Майя Гон 19
Майя Гон
03.02.2024 08:18

Eternal torment

And I threw again my head back,
To get tears back into the eyes.
It’s hard to live when people hack,
In the end, they always see demise..

I’m trying to live a little bit longer,
But from eye drops I feel pain.
Desperate attempt to be stronger
In the end, it led to torment, inane..

And again insomnia begins,
An eternal look into the ceiling.
The head is full with thoughts of sins
As if it would never healing..
Если вам понравилось:
Machete Deplata
03.02.2024 11:37
Sad but true© and quite honestly.
Майя Гон
03.02.2024 15:29
yeah, I think so too, thank you..
What a nice surprise, Maya!
Thanks a lot.
I was a bit perplexed with the very last line, but never mind !
Майя Гон
08.02.2024 00:13
nice to hear that you like it..!
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